The Anthropological Studies Center at Sonoma State University has been providing consulting services in cultural resource management, heritage documentation, preservation planning, policy training, community engagement, public outreach, and interpretation since its founding in 1974.
Our clients include state and federal regulatory and management agencies, Native American and non-profit organizations, museums and historical associations, regional and municipal utilities, environmental and engineering firms, as well as developers and private individuals.
ASC offers a proven team, with exceptional experience, and the skills to provide high quality, timely, and comprehensive deliverables on even the most complex task orders. As part of the California State University system and the M.A. program in CRM at SSU, our commitment to training the next generation of CRM professionals ensures that we always seek to develop innovative approaches, appropriate solutions, and the most effective methods to achieve the regulatory and permitting objectives of our clients.
The Anthropological Studies Center is proud to announce the successful preservation of a significant archaeological site in the heart of Nisenan territory. Read about it here.
You can now view the short film about cremains recoveries, produced by the ASC with funding from a California Humanities grant. Watch the video here: Ashes from Ashes
Interested in working for the ASC? Learn more here.
Learn more about our consulting services
Learn more about Cultural Resources Management
See our Annual Report 22-23