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Josette Miller



Education: M.A in progress., Archaeology, Cornell University, B.A., Anthropology with honors and Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley, 2019

Experience: 3 years in California archaeology, 1 year with ASC

JOSETTE (Josie) MILLER began work at the ASC in 2022. She has been working on archaeological projects since 2018 in both California and New York, presenting her research at multiple academic conferences. She has worked on projects concerning both prehistoric and historic-era sites in California, from surveying sites to completing site records, conducting record searches, and historic-era and pre-historic-era research. Ms. Miller has been author and co-author on reports ranging from small to large scale for projects throughout California. Josie is experienced with ArcGIS Pro and Trimble GPS technology as well as the Adobe, Microsoft and Google suites. She works with collections at the ASC and is currently writing her Master's thesis on repatriation efforts at the ASC, investigating how the process changes amid ever shifting legal landscapes.