CRM Master’s Degree
Sonoma State University has one of the country's oldest master's degree programs in Cultural Resources Management. More information on getting a master's degree in Cultural Resources Management at Sonoma State University is available at the Department of Anthropology web page.
How will the ASC fit into your CRM education?

Our commitment to training the next generation of CRM professionals ensures that we always seek to develop innovative approaches, appropriate solutions, and the most effective methods to achieve the regulatory and permitting objectives of our clients.
Scholarships and Research Grants
ASC staff funds a scholarship and a research grant awarded to individuals who are pursuing education or independent research in the field of Cultural Resources Management. The support for these awards comes from the ASC Fund, established in 1992, which has been steadily growing through voluntary payroll deductions from staff and donations from alumni and other friends of the ASC. Over the years, nearly $25,000 has been distributed to ASC staff and SSU students.
ASC Scholarship in Cultural Resources Management
The ASC Scholarship, awarded annually to a first-year graduate student in the CRM master's program, promotes interest in CRM as an academic discipline and a career choice. The scholarship, based on academic ability, is administered through the University's scholarship office.

David A. Fredrickson Research Grant in Cultural Resources Management
These grants assist researchers afliated with the ASC—permanent or part-time staf, interns, or volunteers—by granting money to complete specifc aspects of signifcant, ongoing CRM research. The award is named in honor of David A. Fredrickson, director of the ASC from its founding in 1974 to 1992, a major figure in California prehistoric archaeology and a leader in the development of Cultural Resources Management nationwide. Grant funds have helped cover the costs of creating outreach materials, such as lesson plans or museum displays; fees for specialist’s studies or production of technical graphics; and expenses of publishing important research. Research based on ASC collections is encouraged. Research may involve one or more subdisciplines of CRM—including architectural history, feld or laboratory research in prehistoric or historical archaeology, ethnography, ethnohistory, and oral history—or may be studies of methods, standards, and conduct of CRM itself. One or more $500 – $1,500 research grants may be awarded annually, depending on available funds and interest.