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HARD (Historical Archaeological Research Design)

HARD is the acronym for Historical Archaeological Research Design. Caltrans contracted with the Anthropological Studies Center at Sonoma State University to prepare archaeological research designs for mining sites, work camps, and town sites. Foothill Resources, JRP Historical Consultants, and PAR Environmental Services worked as sub consultants on this project. Caltrans employees joined the teams exploring each topic. We call them the “HARD teams” for Historical Archaeological Research Design teams. These three documents were submitted to Caltrans, who revised them and produced the final products.

Access to the report on Townsite Properties can be found here

Date: January, 2006 to January, 2008


  • Historic

Subject: Mining

Type: survey

Context: CEQA, Section 106

City: Statewide

County: Statewide

State: California

Full Report: A Historical Context and Archaeological Research Design for Mining Properties in California