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Japantown Senior Apartments

Archaeological testing and evaluation studies carried out in 2008 and 2009 identified two cultural deposits eligible to California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) within the Japantown Senior Apartments Project site on the west side of Sixth Street in San José, close to its intersection with Taylor Street.

This report presents archaeological data recovered through excavation and archival research carried out at the Project site. It provides a brief history of previous research regarding the site; summarizes the research design and methods of archaeological testing and evaluation studies; presents findings including type of deposits, locations, and a description of artifacts recovered during excavation; provides a historical overview and association for the cultural deposits based on documentary research and oral history interviews; evaluates the deposits for eligibility to the CRHR; and presents the archaeological findings.

Client: First Community Housing

Date: March, 2008 to April, 2009


  • Historic

Type: excavation

Context: CEQA

City: San Jose

County: Santa Clara

State: California

Full Report: Down to the Last Grain of Rice: San Jose Archaeological Investigations

Latitude: 37.35095

Longitude: -121.894771