Merrie Way Concession Stands
The Merrie Way Stands Site is associated with a row of concession stands that sold food, beverages, and (presumably) souvenirs that served the Sutro Pleasure Grounds amusement park as well as visitors headed for nearby Sutro Baths and the Cliff House. The Stands were probably built in about 1896 when Merrie Way opened, and were removed or demolished by 1923. ASC’s 2008 archaeological excavations recovered large quantities of marine shell, faunal remains, ceramic tableware, glass bottles, and other artifacts associated with the Stands site. This excerpt from the 2012 Final Technical Report contains interpretive studies on topics including sanitation, trade networks, and dining.
Date: January, 2008 to January, 2008
- Historic
Type: excavation
Context: Section 106
City: San Francisco
County: San Francisco
State: California
Full Report: Focused Analytical and Interpretive Studies - Merrie Way Stands Site
Latitude: 37.780423
Longitude: -122.511914