Putting the "There" There: Historical Archaeologies of West Oakland
The I-880 Cypress Freeway Replacement, a project of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 4, involved the reconstruction of a 3.1-mile section of freeway in Oakland and Emeryville, California. As part of its plan to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Caltrans contracted with the Anthropological Studies Center at Sonoma State University (ASC) to examine the area of potential effects (APE).
The Cypress Archaeology Project database is unprecedented in the West. Over 120 discrete artifact assemblages were recovered and associated with specific households. A wide variety of groups is represented, from unskilled working-class households to upper-middle-class families, immigrants from numerous countries, and native-born whites and African Americans.
Date: January, 1994 to January, 1996
- Historic
Type: excavation
Context: Section 106
City: Oakland
County: Alameda
State: California
Full Report: Putting the "There" There: Historical Archaeologies of West Oakland
Latitude: 37.818711
Longitude: -122.293339